Wednesday, November 7, 2007

9:15, 11:15 or 2:15?

San Francisco Sightseeing Gray Line. Doublebooker here. How may I help you?

Wouldn't you love to have a dollar for every time you've said something on the order of that? Well, I can't subsidize your paycheck but maybe this blog will help provide some entertainment. Consider it a postcard to you - Deluxe Reservationists and Drivers alike - a tribute to all you do. It's yours. Use it to make those snide comments about each other and to keep up with the scuttlebutt at the Wharf. Post what you please. Enjoy.

Graffiti is courtesy of the incomparable Banksy. However, contrary to the above message, there will be photo opportunities here. I have set up a Tour de Farce group on Flickr for exactly that purpose. Create a free account for yourself, start shooting and add your photos to the group for everyone to see. Best contributions will be published here. Click here to go to Tour de Farce on Flickr.